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Pasture & Turf Blends

Ideal for perennial pastures and hay production.

  • Very cost effective
  • Blend includes:
    • Fawn Tall Fescue
    • Potomac Orchardgrass
    • Linn Perennial Ryegrass
    • Dynagain Annual Ryegrass
    • Medium Red Clover
    • Climax Timothy
Seed Rate Quantities Available
25 lbs/acre 50 lbs

High quality varieties blended for perennial pastures and hay production.

  • Blend includes:
    • Kentucky 32 Tall Fescue
    • Harvestar Orchardgrass
    • Calibra Perennial Ryegrass
    • Dynagrain Annual Ryegrass
    • Robust Red Clover
    • Ladino White Clover
Seed Rate Quantities Available
25 lbs/acre 50 lbs

A classic blend of perennial grasses geared toward equine pastures and hay production.

  • Blend includes:
    • Fawn Tall Fescue
    • Kentucky Bluegrass
    • Harvestar Orchardgrass
    • Linn Perennial Ryegrass
    • Robust Red Clover
    • Ladino White Clover
    • Climax Timothy
Seed Rate Quantities Available
25 lbs/acre 50 lbs
Pasture & Turf Blends
Ideal for perennial pastures and hay production. Very cost effective Blend includes: Fawn Tall Fescue Potomac Orchardgrass Linn Perennial Ryegrass Dynagain Annual Ryegrass Medium Red Clover Climax Timothy Seed Rate Quantities Available 25 lbs/acre 50 lbs
High quality varieties blended for perennial pastures and hay production. Blend includes: Kentucky 32 Tall Fescue Harvestar Orchardgrass Calibra Perennial Ryegrass Dynagrain Annual Ryegrass Robust Red Clover Ladino White Clover Seed Rate Quantities Available 25 lbs/acre 50 lbs
A classic blend of perennial grasses geared toward equine pastures and hay production. Blend includes: Fawn Tall Fescue Kentucky Bluegrass Harvestar Orchardgrass Linn Perennial Ryegrass Robust Red Clover Ladino White Clover Climax Timothy Seed Rate Quantities Available 25 lbs/acre 50 lbs