all products
- Common turf grass in Kentucky
- Guaranteed 98% purity & 85% germ
- Excellent pasture
- Tolerant to heavy grazing
- Prone to summer diseases in turfgrass stands, best to plant in mixture
Seed Rate | Quantities Available |
Pasture: 10-15 lbs/acre Pasture Blend: 4-10 lbs/acre Turf: 1-3 lbs/1,000 sq. ft |
5 lbs – Raw 50 lbs – Raw |
- Our finest blend of turf type tall fescues with turf quality shade tolerant fescues.
- Certified
- Extremely dark green color
- Drought and Brown Patch Resistant
- Sod, golf course and sports field quality
- Requires 3-4 hours of light for consistent coverage
Seed Rate | Quantities Available |
8 lbs/1,000 sq ft | 5 lbs 25 lbs 50 lbs |
Summer Annuals / Wildlife Plots
Winter Cover Crops & Wildlife Plots
Wildlife Mixes
Contractor & Fescue Blends
- Catch-all blend designed to match established lawns with multiple species present
- Great for erosion control in mixed sun and shade areas
- Blend includes:
- Defender Turf Type Tall Fescue
- Perennial Ryegrass
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Creeping Red Fescue
Seed Rate | Quantities Available |
Lawns: 5 lbs/1,000 sq ft; Erosion Control: 100-150 lbs/acre | 5 lbs 25 lbs |
Native & Specialty
- Listed on 327 Conservation Cover Job sheet for Kentucky
- Little Bluestem
- Side Oats Grama
- Virginia Wild Rye
- Black-eyed Susan
- Bergamot
- Purple Coneflower
- Illinois Bundleflower
- Rigid Goldenrod
- Greyheaded Coneflower
- New England Aster
- Partridge Pea
- False Sunflower
Seed Rate | Quantities Available |
6.5 Pure Live Seed (PLS) lbs/acre |
1 oz 1 lb to order |
- Full season variety in color and flowering period
- Plains Coreopsis
- Lance Leaved Coreopsis
- Smooth Beardtongue
- Corn Poppy
- Sweet William
- Blackeyed Susan
- Butterfly Milkweed
- Lemon Mint
- Baby's Breath
- Clasping Coneflower
- Partridge Pea
- Purple Coneflower
- Spiked Blazing Star
- Scarlet Flax
- Cosmos
- Rocket Larkspur
- Showy Tickseed
- Narrow-Leaved Sunflower
- Early Goldenrod
Seed Rate | Quantities Available |
6 - 8.5 Pure Live Seed (PLS) lbs/acre |
1 oz 1 lb to order |
- Full season variety of color and flowering times
- Four O' Clock
- Sensation Mix Cosmos
- Rocket Larkspur
- Showy Tickseed
- Partridge Pea
- Scarlet Flax
- Annual Phlox
- Rocket Candytuff
- Baby's Breath
- Sweet William
- Black-eyed Susan
- Clasping Coneflower
- Plains Coreopsis
- Catchfly
- Red Corn Poppy
Seed Rate | Quantities Available |
5.5-8 Pure Live Seed (PLS) lbs/acre |
1 oz 1 lb to order |
Lawn & Turf Fertilizer
Lawn & Turf Fungicides
Lawn & Turf Herbicides
Lawn & Turf Insecticides
Lawn & Turf Soil Amendments
Mole Control
Ornamental & Vegetable Aquatic Algaecides
Ornamental & Vegetable Fertilizers
Ornamental & Vegetable Fungicides
Ornamental & Vegetable Herbicides
Ornamental & Vegetable Insecticides
Ornamental & Vegetable Combo Fungicide/Insecticide
Ornamental & Vegetable Soil Amendments
Vegetable Seed
Bird Feed
Common Alfalfa
Widely used in mixtures for hay and pasture
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 15-20 lbs/acre
Blends: 8-10 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Coated
Farm Science Genetics dual purpose Alfalfa for hay or grazing
Wide, deep-set crown withstands animal and implement traffic
Very good winter survivability
Top disease package
Fall dormancy is 4
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 15-20 lbs/acre
Blends: 8-10 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Coated
Farm Science Genetics Roundup Ready variety
Perfect 30 out of 30 on the disease rating index
Excellent forage and hay yield and quality
Superior winter hardiness and persistence
Fall dormancy is 4
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 15-20 lbs/acre
Blends: 8-10 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Coated
Proprietary variety specific to Kentucky region
Top seller
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 15-20 lbs/acre
Blends: 8-10 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Coated
Farm Science Genetics Potato Leafhopper resistant variety
Excellent forage quality with high palatability
High yield potential
Fall dormancy is 4
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 15-20 lbs/acre
Blends: 8-10 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Coated
Common turf grass in Kentucky
Guaranteed 98% purity & 85% germ
Excellent pasture
Tolerant to heavy grazing
Prone to summer diseases in turfgrass stands, best to plant in mixture
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture: 10-15 lbs/acre
Pasture Blend: 4-10 lbs/acre
Turf: 1-3 lbs/1,000 sq. ft
5 lbs – Raw
50 lbs – Raw
Forage type meant for pasture, not lawns
Tolerant to heavy grazing
Wider, longer leaf than other cultivars
Good persistence and palatability; high leaf to stem ratio
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture: 10-15 lbs/acre
Pasture Blend: 4-10 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Guaranteed 98% purity & 85% germ
Dark green color
High drought survivability
Prone to summer diseases in turfgrass stands, best to plant in mixture
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture: 10-15 lbs/acre
Pasture Blend: 4-10 lbs/acre
Turf: 1-3 lbs/1,000 sq. ft
50 lbs – Raw
Common Red Clover variety
Pasture hay and silage production
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 8-15 lbs/acre
Blends: 4-10 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Raw
50 lbs – Coated
Common White Clover variety.
Low growth habit
Pasture and wildlife forage
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture: 6-10 lbs/acre
Blends: 2-6 lbs/acre
5 lbs – Coated
50 lbs – Coated
Common Ladino White Clover
Taller growth habit than White Clover
Excellent for pastures, hay production and wildlife forage
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture: 6-10 lbs/acre
Blends: 2-6 lbs/acre
5 lbs – Coated
50 lbs – Coated
Consistently near top of standability and tonnage trials at University of Kentucky
Pasture, hay and silage production
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 8-15 lbs/acre
Blends: 4-10 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Raw
50 lbs – Coated
Tall, upright growth habit
Fine, palatable stem
High leaf production compared to common Ladino Clover
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture: 6-10 lbs/acre
Blends: 2-6 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Coated
Primary uses include pasture & wildlife forage, cover crop, and single-season erosion control
Annual Clover
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Cover Crop: 20-35 lbs/acre
Blends: 5-10 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Raw
50 lbs – Coated
Perennial hay and pasture variety
Wet ground tolerant
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 6-10 lbs/acre
Blends: 2-4 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Raw
Primary uses include pasturing and as a plow down cover crop.
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Cover Crop: 6-15 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Raw
Excellent mid-level Red Clover
Pasture, hay and silage production
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 8-15 lbs/acre
Blends: 4-10 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Raw
50 lbs – Coated
Tried and true variety with agricultural, erosion control and lawn applications
Drought Resistant
Aggressive, tall growth pattern
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Lawns: 8 lbs/1,000 sq ft
Erosion Control: 10 –150lbs/acre
Fields: 20–30lbs/acre
50 lbs
Tried and true variety with agricultural, erosion control and lawn applications
Drought resistant
Aggressive, tall growth pattern
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Lawns: 8 lbs/1000 sq ft
Erosion Control: 100 – 150 lbs/acre
Fields: 20 – 30 lbs/acre
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
Our finest blend of turf type tall fescues
Extremely dark green color
Drought and Brown Patch Resistant
Sod, golf course and sports field quality
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
8 lbs/1,000 sq ft
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
Our finest blend of turf type tall fescues with turf quality shade tolerant fescues.
Extremely dark green color
Drought and Brown Patch Resistant
Sod, golf course and sports field quality
Requires 3-4 hours of light for consistent coverage
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
8 lbs/1,000 sq ft
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
Our finest blend of turf type tall fescues
Extremely dark green color
Drought and Brown Patch Resistant
Sod, golf course and sports field quality
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
8 lbs/1,000 sq ft
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
Our finest blend of turf type tall fescues with Perennial Ryegrass
Extremely dark green color
Drought and Brown Patch Resistant
Sod, golf course and sports field quality
Perennial Ryegrass provides quick germination
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
8 lbs/1,000 sq ft
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
Shade tolerant
Very fine bladed
Light color
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Lawns: 5 lbs/1,000 sq ft
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
Lighter green color consistent with lawns previously seeded in older turf type varieties or Kentucky 31
Established variety
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
8 lbs/1,000 sq ft
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
Another excellent choice with a lower and slower growth habit than traditional fescues
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
8 lbs/1,000 sq ft
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
Turf quality fescue with a spreading growth habit
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
8 lbs/1,000 sq ft
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
Endophyte Free variety showing solid stand persistence and drought resistance
Hay and pasture production
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Fields: 20-30 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Older endophyte free variety
Pasture and hay production
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Fields: 20-30 lbs/acre
50 lbs
This Kentucky 31/Orchardgrass blend is mainly used for hay and pasture
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Fields 20-30 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Hardy annual legume with high protein
Hay, pasture and erosion control on lower quality, drier soils
Can be companion planted with cool season grasses
Great forage for sheep, goat and horses
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
20-30 lbs/acre;
Blends: 10 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Raw
Hardy annual legume with high protein
Hay, pasture and erosion control on lower quality, drier soils
Can be companion planted with cool season grasses
Great forage for sheep, goat and horses
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
20-30 lbs/acre;
Blends: 10 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Raw
Consistently performs well in University of Kentucky seed trials
Mid-maturing, average 57 days;
Excellent forage and hay quality
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 10-25 lbs/acre
Blends: 3-8 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Raw
50 lbs – Coated
Mid- to Late- maturing variety, closely matching companion planted Alfalfa
Aggressive crown growth habit for sustained grazing and multiple hay cuttings
High winter hardiness
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 10-25 lbs/acre
Blends: 3-8 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Raw
50 lbs – Coated
Similar in traits to Certified Potomac Orchardgrass
Early- to Mid- maturing variety
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 10-25 lbs/acre
Blends: 3-8 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Raw
50 lbs – Coated
High drought resistance
High yielding
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 10-25 lbs/acre
Blends: 3-8 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Raw
50 lbs – Coated
Single season growth
Pasture, hay and erosion control applications
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Lawns: 8 lbs / 1,000 sq ft
Pasture/Hay: 25-40 lbs/acre
Blends: 6-10 lbs/acre
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
Developed specifically for pasture and hay production
Aggressive growth, wide blade
High in protein
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 25-40 lbs/acre
Blends: 6-10 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Stand-by variety
Hay and pasture
High in protein
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 25-40 lbs/acre
Blends: 6-10 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Common Perennial Ryegrass
Uses include erosion control and hay and pasture production
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Lawns: 8 lbs/1,000 sq ft
Pasture/Hay: 25-40 lbs/acre
Blends: 6-10 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Grazing adapted Tertaploid Perennial Ryegrass
High in protein
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 25-40 lbs/acre
Blends: 6-10 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Established Diploid Perennial Ryegrass for pasture and hay production as well as erosion control
High wear tolerance and rapid recovery
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 25-40 lbs/acre
Blends: 6-10 lbs/acre
5 lbs
50 lbs
Blend of specific turf type Perennial Ryegrasses for extremely dark color
Extremely dark color
Disease resistant
Recommended uses include golf courses, sports fields and professionally managed lawns
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 25-40 lbs/acre
Blends: 6-10 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Summer Annuals / Wildlife Plots
Generally used for wildlife attraction
Can be used for quick hay or pasture
75 day maturity
Grows 3 – 6 ft tall
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
25-30 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Useful for wildlife attraction
80 day maturity
Grows 2 – 5 ft tall
Fine stemmed, leafy growth for hay or pasture
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
20-30 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Wildlife attraction and quick hay or pasture
45 day maturity
Grows 2 – 4 ft tall
Performs best in moist to wet soils
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
20-30 lbs/acre
50 lbs
High biomass producing for silage, pasture, and hay production as well as wildlife attraction
70 -85 day maturity
Grows 4 – 8 ft tall
Drought tolerant
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
20-30 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Pasture and hay production as well as wildlife attraction
60-70 day maturity
Grows 3 – 4 ft tall
Rapidly maturing
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
20-30 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Common Timothy
Late maturing variety
Hay and pasture applications
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 6-12 lbs/acre
Blends: 4-6 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Raw
Certified Timothy
Late maturing variety
Grows well in a variety of soil types, including heavy moisture
excellent for hay and pasture applications
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture/Hay: 6-12 lbs/acre
Blends: 4-6 lbs/acre
50 lbs – Raw
Winter Cover Crops & Wildlife Plots
Common Soft Red Wheat generally used for cover crop, erosion control, temporary pasture, straw, and hay
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
75-150 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Common northern Rye
Very winter hardy
Generally used for cover crop, erosion control, temporary pasture, straw, hay
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
50-150 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Generally used for cover crop, erosion control, temporary pasture, straw, or hay
Spring planting or temporary fall growth
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
75-150 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Generally used for cover crop, erosion control, temporary pasture, straw, or hay
Fall overwinter or temporary spring growth
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
75-150 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Northern variety with excellent winter hardiness
Strong stems on long awnletted heads
Handles heavy grazing pressure and has higher protein levels than its parent varieties, wheat and rye
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
50-150 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Improved variety over common Rye
Higher tonnage production
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
50-150 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Generally used for cover crop, erosion control, temporary pasture, haylage or green chop
Excellent cold tolerance
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
50-150 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Awnless, 6 row variety
Medium height
Excellent straw strength
Early to mid season maturity
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
75-150 lbs/acre
48 lbs
Wildlife Mixes
Attracts turkey, doves, quail and deer
Beautiful over the course of the summer
Mix includes:
Spring Oats
WGF Grain Sorghum
Peredovik Sunflower
Crimson Clover
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
50-100 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Mix of the most desired foods for deer throughout the fall and winter.
Mix includes:
Diakon Radish
Purple Top Turnip
Austrian Winter Peas
Rape Seed
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
5 lbs/7,000 sq ft
5 lbs
50 lbs
Mix includes:
Ladino White Clover, VNS
Medium Red Clover
Buffalo Alfalfa
Quantities Available
5 lbs
50 lbs
Provides balanced three-season forage for deer and turkey management
Great winter cover crop blend;
Mix includes:
Winter Wheat, VNS
Winter Oats
Austrian Winter Peas
Rape Seed
Crimson Clover
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
75-100 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Contractor & Fescue Blends
Catch-all blend designed to match established lawns with multiple species present
Great for erosion control in mixed sun and shade areas
Blend includes:
Defender Turf Type Tall Fescue
Perennial Ryegrass
Kentucky Bluegrass
Creeping Red Fescue
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Lawns: 5 lbs/1,000 sq ft;
Erosion Control: 100-150 lbs/acre
5 l
Read More
Immediate establishment for erosion control
Approx. 60% Turf Type Tall Fescue
Approx. 40% Annual Ryegrass
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
50-150 lbs/acre
25 lbs
50 lbs
Immediate establishment for erosion control
Higher fescue percentage for longer-lasting stand
Approx. 80% Turf Type Tall Fescue
Approx. 20% Annual Ryegrass
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Lawns:50-150 lbs/acre
25 lbs
50 lbs
Native & Specialty
Low maintenance, drought-resistant law or pasture
Low-growing, disease and insect resistant
Does well in sandy soils
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
10-15 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Short-lived perennial legume
Stems smaller and less rigid than alfalfa
Grows 12-30" tall
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
8-10 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Forage type, good for grazing and haying
Thrives during hot, dry months
High crude protein content
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
5-8 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Cool season, hardy perennial legume
Spreads from rhizomes; forms a dense cover
Used for soil stabilization on slopes
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
5-15 lbs/acre
sold by the pound
Cool season, perennial, sod-forming grass; grows to 3-4'
Performs well in wet, poorly drained, and acid-type soils
Graze or harvest for hay before flowering stage
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
4-5 lbs/acre
50 lb
Vigorous, perennial, sod-forming grass
Once established, tolerates inundation and drought
May become invasive in some areas
Can reach a height of 6-8'
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
8-10 lbs/acre
50 lb
Native perennial warm season clump grass
Used for erosion control, grassland reclamation, forage production, etc.
Increases animal gains in managed grazing systems
Can reach a height of 4-10'
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
8-10 lbs/acre
to order
Perennial, ornamental warm season clump grass
Used for landscaping and restoration projects; one of the most widely distributed grass species in U.S.
Drought tolerant; does well in moist areas also
Can reach a height of 3-4'
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
7-10 lbs/acre
to order
Native wildflower with clusters of yellow/orange flowers bloom June - August
Important Monarch food source - leaves for caterpillars, nectar for butterflies
Cold hardy, does well in poor, dry soils
24-36" tall, 18" wide
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
1/4 oz / 1000 sq ft
1/8 oz
1/2 oz
to order
Primary host plant for Monarch butterflies
Grows to 3-6' tall
Drought tolerant, adapted to different soil types
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture: 3 oz / 1000 sq ft
1/8 oz
1/2 oz
to order
Pink and white flowers; popular for gardens, pond edges, etc
Used in wetland reclamation and remediation mixtures
Grows to 4-5' tall
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture: 3 oz / 1000 sq ft
1/8 oz
1/2 oz
to order
Perennial, ornamental warm season clump grass
Used for landscaping and restoration projects; one of the most widely distributed grass species in U.S.
Drought tolerant; does well in moist areas also
Can reach a height of 3-4'
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
7-10 lbs/acre
to order
Native warm season, perennial tall grass
Reproduces by seed and rhizome
Makes good quality hay when mowed before seedhead formation
Can grow to 8-10' tall
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
Pasture: 5-6 lbs/acre
50 lbs
Listed on 327 Conservation Cover Job sheet for Kentucky
Little Bluestem
Side Oats Grama
Virginia Wild Rye
Black-eyed Susan
Purple Coneflower
Illinois Bundleflower
Rigid Goldenrod
Greyheaded Coneflower
New England Aster
Partridge Pea
False Sunflower
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
6.5 Pure Live Seed (PLS) lbs/acre
1 oz
1 lb
Read More
Full season variety in color and flowering period
Plains Coreopsis
Lance Leaved Coreopsis
Smooth Beardtongue
Corn Poppy
Sweet William
Blackeyed Susan
Butterfly Milkweed
Lemon Mint
Baby's Breath
Clasping Coneflower
Partridge Pea
Purple Coneflower
Spiked Blazing Star
Scarlet Flax
Rocket Larkspur
Showy Tickseed
Narrow-Leaved Sunflowe
Read More
Full season variety of color and flowering times
Four O' Clock
Sensation Mix Cosmos
Rocket Larkspur
Showy Tickseed
Partridge Pea
Scarlet Flax
Annual Phlox
Rocket Candytuff
Baby's Breath
Sweet William
Black-eyed Susan
Clasping Coneflower
Plains Coreopsis
Red Corn Poppy
Seed Rate
Quantities Available
5.5-8 Pure Live
Read More
Lawn & Turf Fertilizer
Quick release fertilizer Urea
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1-2 lbs/1,000 sq ft
50 lbs
Lawn starter fertilizer
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2-4 lbs/1,000 sq ft
50 lbs
Lawn feed with pre-emergent Barricade
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2.5-5.5 lbs/1,000 sq ft
50 lbs
Slow release fertilizer
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2-4 lbs/1,000 sq ft
50 lbs
Weed and feed for broadleaves
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2-4 lbs/1,000 sq ft
50 lbs
Lawn feed w/ pre-emergent Dimension
Application Rate
Quantities Available
3.3-7.6 lbs/1,000 sq ft
50 lbs
Lawn feed with pre-emergent Dimension
Application Rate
Quantities Available
7-14 lbs/1,000 sq ft
50 lbs
Slow release fertilizer
3 month
Application Rate
Quantities Available
3.5-7 lbs/1,000 sq ft
50 lbs
Water soluble fertilizer with chelated iron
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2-8 oz1,000 sq ft
2.5 gallon
Very slow organic fertilizer
Application Rate
Quantities Available
8-16 lbs/1,000 sq ft
50 lbs
Water soluble fertilizer
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1 lb/gallon/1,000 sq ft
25 lbs
Lawn & Turf Fungicides
Brown patch, leaf spot, anthracnose
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.5-2 oz/1,000 sq ft
Brown patch, leaf spot, anthracnose
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2-6 oz/1,000 sq ft
Brown patch, pythium, summer patch
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1.5-3 oz/1,000 sq ft
Pythium, take-all, summer patch
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2.6-4.6 lbs/1,000 sq ft
25 lbs
Lawn & Turf Herbicides
Total kill
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1-2 quarts/acre
2.5 Gallon
Total kill with Barricade
Application Rate
Quantities Available
3-5 oz/gallon
Total kill with Arsenal
Application Rate
Quantities Available
18-36 oz/gallon
2,4D, Dicamba, Quinclorac
Must use with Duo-Stick (methylated seed oil)
Application Rate
Quantities Available
7 oz/1,000 sq ft
2,4D 34% + Triclopyr 16%
Our best herbicide for brush
Application Rate
Quantities Available
5 oz/gallon
2,4D 34% + Triclopyr 16%
Same product as Cross Bow
Application Rate
Quantities Available
5 oz/gallon
1-4 quarts/acre
2,4D ester
Ester formulation can burn
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.75-3 pints/acre
2.5 Gallon
Broadleaf, crabgrass, goosegrass, ivy, clovers
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1 tsp/2 gallons
8 oz
2,4-D 15% + Triclopyr 8%
Broader spectrum than Brush Killer
Application Rate
Quantities Available
5 oz/gallon
Brand name Barricade
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.5-1 oz/1,000 sq ft
0.5 Gallon
Total kill with Arsenal
Application Rate
Quantities Available
18-36 oz/gallon
Triclopyr, clopyralid
Brand name Confront
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1-2 pints/acre
2,4D, Dicamba, Quinclorac
Must use with Duo-Stick (methylated seed oil)
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.3-1.1 oz/1,000 sq ft
2.5 Gallon
2,4D, MCPP, Dicamba
Clovers, dandelion, plantains
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1-1.5 oz/1,000 sq ft
2.5 Gallon
Must use with Duo-Stick (methylated seed oil)
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1.5 oz/1,000 sq ft
7.5 oz
0.5 Gallon
Purple, yellow, Kylingas.
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2/3-11/3 oz/acre
1.33 oz
2,4D, MCPP, Dicamba, Carfentrazone
Early spring broadleaf control
Use in cooler temperatures
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1.4 oz/1,000 sq ft
20 oz
2.5 Gallon
Broadleaf, annual bluegrass, clumpy rye, goose
Application Rate
Quantities Available
4-8 oz/acre
6 oz
Purple, yellow, Kylingas
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2/3-11/3 oz/acre
13.5 gram/gallon
1.33 oz
13.5 grams
2,4D, MCPP, Dicamba
Clovers, dandelion, plantains
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1-1.5 oz/1,000 sq ft
2.5 Gallon
Kills many woodys
Application Rate
Quantities Available
16 oz/gallon
2,4D, MCPP, Dicamba
Clovers, dandelion, plantains
Application Rate
Quantities Available
4 oz/1,000 sq ft
2,4D, MCPP, Dicamba, Sulfentrazone
Same as Trimec with sulfentrazone added
Application Ratet
Quantities Available
5 oz/1,000 sq ft
Will require monthly applications
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.75 oz/1,000 sq ft
8 oz
2,4D, Triclopyr, Sulfentrazone, Dicamba
Also clumpy rye, and poa
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1.5 oz/1,000 sq ft
2.5 Gallon
Lawn & Turf Insecticides
Cutworms, armyworms, fleas, ticks, sodwebs
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.25-1 oz/1,000 sq ft
Cutworms, armyworms, fleas, ticks, sodwebs
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.5-4.5 lbs/1,000 sq ft
30 lbs
Grub control:
Japanese beetle
Green June
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.4-0.6 oz/1,000 sq ft
27.5 oz
Grub control
Japanese beetle
Green June
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1.4-1.6 lbs/1,000 sq ft
30 lbs
Cutworms, armyworms, fleas, ticks, sodwebs
Application Rate
Quantities Available
5-20 oz/acre
Grub control:
Japanese beetle
Green June
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.4-0.6 oz/1,000 sq ft
Cutworms, armyworms, fleas, ticks, sodwebs, bills
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.25-1.2 oz/1,000 sq ft
Lawn & Turf Soil Amendments
Used to raise soil ph
Application Rate
Quantities Available
25-50 lbs/1,000 sq ft
50 lbs
Mole Control
Material smell forces moles to leave area
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1 box/5,000 sq ft
6.5 lb box
Shredded cypress bark
Slow to decompose, less likely to wash out
Naturally deters insects
Quantities Available
1 bag covers 12 sq ft with 2"
3 cu. ft
Shredded cedar bark
Slow to decompose, less likely to wash out
Naturally resists insects
Quantities Available
1 bag covers 20 sq ft with 2"
3 cu. ft
Large-sized pine bark
Neutral to soil and plants
Helps moderate soil temperature and moisture
Quantities Available
1 bag covers 15 sq ft with 2"
2 cu. ft
Medium-sized pine bark
Slow to decompose
Helps moderate soil temperature and moisture
Quantities Available
1 bag covers 12 sq ft with 2"
2 cu. ft
Finely processed pine bark
Neutral to soil and plants
Soil conditioner
Quantities Available
2 cu. ft
Longleaf pine needles
Sticks and cones removed
Condensed bales cover 2x as much as standard bales
Quantities Available
1 bag covers 100 sq ft
2.3 cu. ft
Ornamental & Vegetable Aquatic Algaecides
Copper sulphate crystals used for algae control
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.5 lbs/surface acre ft
10 lb Jug
Aquatic herbicide for aquatic weeds
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.5-2 gallon/surface acre
Ornamental & Vegetable Fertilizers
Slow release
Application Rate
Quantities Available
3 tbs/4 sq ft
5 lb bag
Water soluble
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1-2 tbs/gallon
3 lb bag
Water soluble
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2 tbs/gallon
1 lb bag
Acidifying fertilizer
Application Rate
Quantities Available
8 lbs/1,000 sq ft
50 lb bag
Slow release
Application Rate
Quantities Available
3.5-7 lbs/1,000 sq ft
40 lb bag
Ornamental & Vegetable Fungicides
Active: Chlorothanil
Trade Name: Daconil
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2-4 tbs/gallon
Active: Mancozeb
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1.5 lbs/100 gallons
8 oz container
Copper fungicide for vegetables
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1-6 tsp/gallon
8 oz container
Biological control
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1 tsp/gallon
For use on tomatoes
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1 oz/gallon
Ornamental & Vegetable Herbicides
Vegetable gardens
Ornamental Beds
Application Rate
Quantities Available
6-16 oz/acre
Vegetable gardens
Ornamental Beds
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1 oz/gallon
8 oz
8 oz twin
Vegetable gardens
Ornamental Beds
Application Rate
Quantities Available
6-16 oz/acre
Generic snapshot
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2 lbs/1,000 sq ft
50 lb bag
Generic round-up.
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2.3 oz/gallon
2.5 gallon
Generic round-up
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2-3 oz/gallon
Glyphosate + Diquat
Very quick
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1.5 oz/gallon
5 x 1.5 oz packs
6.8 lb container
Ornamental bed pre-emergent
Not for annuals
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2 lbs/1,000 sq ft
50 lb bag
Ornamental & Vegetable Insecticides
Dust evenly over surfaces
Application Rate
Quantities Available
Dust/7 days
1 lb container
Dust evenly over surfaces
Application Rate
Quantities Available
Dust/7 days
1 lb shaker
Dust evenly over surfaces
Application Rate
Quantities Available
Dust/7 days
5 lb bag
Useful for:
Adult Beetles
Mealy Bugs
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1-4 pints/100 gallon
2.5 Gallon
Application Rate
Quantities Available
11/3 tsp/gallon
Shaker can
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1 lb/1,000 sq ft
1 lb container
2 lb container
Ornamental & Vegetable Combo Fungicide/Insecticide
Has some fungicide activity on fruit trees
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2 tbs/gallon
8 oz
Insecticides: Carbaryl, Malathion
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1.5-2.5 tbs/gallon
Ornamental & Vegetable Soil Amendments
Use with Hydrangea to alter bloom color
Application Rate
Quantities Available
1 lb/3 ft of height
5 lb bag
Corrects iron deficiencies
high in sulfur
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.5-1 cup/plant
21 lb bag
Application Rate
Quantities Available
2 tbs/gallon/month
5 lb bag
Corrects iron deficiencies
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.5-1 cup/100 sq ft
5 lb bag
Epsom Salt
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.5-1 lb/5 ft of canopy
5 lb bag
Promotes healthy root system
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.25 cup/2 ft of height
5 lb bag
0-40-0 Bulb Booster
Application Rate
Quantities Available
0.25 cup/plant
5 lb bag
Most popular bush bean
57 days to maturity
large yields of 6" beans on 15-18" plants
Quantities Available
8 oz
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
50 days to maturity
6-8" stringless pods on 12-24" plants
Quantities Available
8 oz
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
58 days to maturity
6-7" pods on 18-22" plants
Quantities Available
8 oz
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
53 days to maturity
5-6" pods
High yield and easy to pick
Quantities Available
8 oz
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
60 days to maturity
4-5" pods
available raw or treated
Quantities Available
8 oz
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
90 days to maturity for dry beans
4" pods, 5-6 beans per pod
most popular dry bean
Quantities Available
8 oz
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
55 days to maturity
6" pods
early producer with consistent yields
Quantities Available
8 oz
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
57 days to maturity
Italian flat bean
5-6" pods on 18" plants
Quantities Available
8 oz
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
55 days to maturity
5-6" pods
deep purple color
Quantities Available
8 oz
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
55 days to maturity
5-6" pods on 20-24" tall plants
Quantities Available
8 oz
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
50 days to maturity
5-6" pods on 20" plants
Quantities Available
8 oz
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
52 days fresh / 68 days dry
5" pods on 18" tall plants
Quantities Available
8 oz
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
55 days to maturity
6" pods on 20" tall plants
Quantities Available
8 oz
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
60 days to maturity
4-6" stringless, tender pods
Quantities Available
8 oz
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
61 days to maturity
6-7" pods on 5-6' tall plants
Quantities Available
8 oz
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
90 days to maturity
4-7" pods on 8-9' tall plants
Pods contain 4-6 large beans
Quantities Available
8 oz
5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
Vegetable Seed