• Shade tolerant
  • Very fine bladed
  • Light color
Seed Rate Quantities Available
Lawns: 5 lbs/1,000 sq ft 5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs
  • Catch-all blend designed to match established lawns with multiple species present
  • Great for erosion control in mixed sun and shade areas
  • Blend includes:
    • Defender Turf Type Tall Fescue
    • Perennial Ryegrass
    • Kentucky Bluegrass
    • Creeping Red Fescue
Seed Rate Quantities Available
Lawns: 5 lbs/1,000 sq ft;
Erosion Control: 100-150 lbs/acre
5 lbs
25 lbs
  • Our finest blend of turf type tall fescues with turf quality shade tolerant fescues.
  • Certified
  • Extremely dark green color
  • Drought and Brown Patch Resistant
  • Sod, golf course and sports field quality
  • Requires 3-4 hours of light for consistent coverage


Seed Rate Quantities Available
8 lbs/1,000 sq ft 5 lbs
25 lbs
50 lbs